An Advent Prayer for Peace

Gracious and Merciful God,

As we gather in this sacred space during the season of Advent, our hearts are heavy with the weight of the world’s strife. We come before you, recognizing the cries of those affected by the scourge of war, the pain of gun violence, and the wounds caused by hate speech. In the midst of these challenges, we seek your presence and your peace.

Lord, we lift up to you the nations torn apart by conflict, where the clamor of weapons drowns out the whisper of hope. May your spirit of reconciliation descend upon leaders and nations, guiding them toward paths of justice and understanding.

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An Advent Prayer

Dwell in us, Lord Jesus. Breakthrough in our lives this Advent season and reveal to us your will.

Dwell in us, Lord Jesus. Breakthrough in our churches and reveal to us the path you desire.

Dwell in us, Lord Jesus. Breakthrough in our communities and reveal to us those in need.

Dwell in us, Lord Jesus. Breakthrough in us so that we may show you to others.

Dwell in us, Lord Jesus. Amen.